Health Sciences SchoolLevel 4 Certificate in Anatomy and Physiology for Aesthetics Practice

Level 4 Certificate in Anatomy and Physiology for Aesthetics Practice


The Certificate provides learners with the knowledge and understanding of Anatomy and Physiology, focusing on the science to support the judgments and choices made routinely by practising aestheticians. The Certificate will enable learners to work independently and intuitively, with science at the core of the decision- making process. The Certificate will also provide opportunities for learners to develop the necessary competencies to move on to further study or employment.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the biochemistry and biology of cells.
Understand how cell specialisation and organisation lead to increasing complexity.
Understand the structure and function of the major organ systems
Understand the structure and function of the skin.
Understand the structure and function of skin appendages.
Understand the inflammatory response and skin remodelling.
Understand the common skin types, diseases, and disorders.
Understand the skin aging process.
Understand the importance of cell biology and biochemistry in aesthetic practice.
Understand facial anatomy and the effect of aging on facial bones.

Entry Requirements

This qualification is designed for learners aged 18 and above. Entry to the Level 4 Certificate in Anatomy and Physiology for Aesthetic Practice is through previous achievement of a Level 3 qualification in a relevant discipline. VTiU is responsible for ensuring that this qualification is appropriate for the ability of learners and that the learner has the required knowledge, understanding and skills to effectively achieve this qualification.

The qualification has been designed to be accessible without artificial barriers that restrict access and progression. Entry to the qualification will be through VTiU interview and learners will be assessed on an individual basis.

In certain circumstances, individuals with considerable experience but no formal qualifications may be considered, subject to interview and being able to demonstrate their ability to cope with the demands of the programme.


6 Months
Year asdasd


The Biochemistry and Biology of Cells
Skin Morphology and the Inflammatory Response
Skin Disorders and Diseases relative to Aesthetic Practice

Apply Now!

For more details or admissions contact now!

Andrew Barrow
Head of Admission Department


All our courses are accredited by the Council for Higher Education Development USA. Authorized by the office of the Secretary of State of the Colorado USA. Our University is member of Association of Professional Higher Education Institutes. 

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